The action-adventure film Robin Hood is an American/British film that was based on the legend of Robin Hood. This was basically one of the most awaited film last 2010 since it was based on a very well known character or rather hero – Robin Hood or better known as Robin Longstride.
Robin Longstride was just a common archer but later on when he saw how the wealthy and powerful people abused his fellowmen, he tends to fight back and became a vigilante of good.
In his time, the wealthy and powerful people were taking the money and as well as the food of those who were poor, saying that it is their tax. When Robin saw this, he held a plan that they are going to rob the tax collectors and give back to the citizens the money that they have stolen. Basically, the film emphasis of how Robin became a hero on his own way by helping the needy and abused.
The main character in this film was portrayed by Russell Crowe as Robin Hood. Other casts were Danny Huston, Jonathan Zaccai, Kate Blanchett, Matthew Macfadyen, and many more talented stars.
It was released in both United Kingdom and United States last May 2010 and grossed the income of #321,669,730 worldwide.
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