Mamma Mia! Is a musical romance-comedy film that was based from the adaptation of the 1999 West End Musical entitled Mamma Mia! by Catherine Johnson. The film was directed by Phyllida Lloyd and was created under the production studio of Playtone.
The cast ensemble of the film were Meryl Streep as Donna Sheridan, Amanda Seyfried as Sophie Sheridan, Pierce Brosnan as Sam Carmichael, Colin Firth as Harry Bright, Stellan Skarsgård as Bill Anderson, Dominic Cooper as Sky, Sophie's fiancé, Julie Walters as Rosie Mulligan, and Christine Baranski as Tanya Wilkinson.
The plot of the film focused on the young bride named Sophie who was hoping to see and to know her real father before she gets married. She also wants to have her father walk her to the aisle. She discovered three possible men that might be her father and she invited them to her wedding without informing her mother.
The film earned an average of positive reviews and had earned a box office hit under the distribution of Universal Pictures with a total gross revenue of $609,841,637 from the budget of only $52 million.
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